Wednesday, October 03, 2007


So when "Hogan Knows Best" first came on, I really thought they all functioned like a relatively normal family. Which was refreshing for reality TV.
Oh yeah, I do actually watch that show, which is kind of embarassing, (but not nearly as embarassing as watching "Rock of Love"). But mostly I tune in because I remember watching the WWF with my brother as a kid and Hulk Hogan was the guy you loved to root for. By the way, remember Rowdy Roddy Piper? But I digress.

Now I think the fame has gone to the Hogan family's heads. The mom particularly seems like a whack job. And her make-up? Way, way too dark and not at all flattering. Unfortunately, her daughter is following in her footsteps. Let's not even touch the outfit. Focus on the makeup. She could be a cute girl. But instead she looks like a drag queen. Why, Brooke, why?

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At 6:04 PM, Blogger Star said...

Thanks to you, I have been sucked into Rock of Love! I watched the finale after catching a bunch of reruns. AWESOME!

I too have watched Hogan Knows Best and thought they were relatively normal-ish, but they crossed the line when they bought that tacky ass house in Miami!


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