Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Three Ladies and Some Wine

You realize as an adult that you don't know much. Sometimes if you think about all the things in the world that you don't really know about, it's a little overwhelming and you can feel just a little stupid. Which is why I hate when they change the things we were taught as kids. I have a certain stability in knowing that grade school knowledge. So why do they gotta fuck with the solar system? I almost had a heart attack when I heard they might demote Pluto from planet status. This morning I learn, oh no, instead they're going to add three more planets. What the hell? Where did these three extra planets come from? I mean I know they were always there and this would just be a reclassification, but I liked knowing there were 9 planets. I could name them. An astronomer on CNN today asserted that teaching children to count planets is really an ineffective exercise. "My very educated mother just served us nine pies" is one of the mantras of my life. I'm disgusted with this development.

At any rate, Christy and I are going to Meg's for dinner and wine tonight. I'm looking forward to it immensely.


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