Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Time To Start Wrapping

With the exception of one minor thing, I have all my Christmas shopping done. I have no wrapping completed however, and I think that will be tonight's task.

Right underneath the hippy, dippy angel.

I'm not sure if I've told you about the hippy, dippy angel before. My parents always top their Christmas tree with an angel. Until about 4 years ago, it was topped with the same angel they've had since 1973. She had poofy blond hair, blue eyeshadow and her eyes were half-closed. She looked like she was high, not to mention from the '70s so we called her the hippy, dippy angel.

I got my angel several years ago. I didn't pay alot for her and as a result probably, her wings are now eskew and her hair is all mussed up. The tree-from-hell this year has a top branch that can't really support her weight so well, so she's leaning forward. She looks like she's ready to take off, Superman-style. This doesn't please me, but it's decidedly better than the whole tree leaning forward.

So now, it seems I have my own hippy, dippy angel.

Merry Christmas, everyone.


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