Wednesday, June 21, 2006

With God All Things Are Possible

For me, this Baby M situation has become just about a foregone conclusion. The past week and a half (I can't believe it's only been that long; it seems like forever) have been more emotionally exhausting than anything I could imagine--and this isn't even my child. Lord only knows how his mother is hanging on.

So I am tired and weak and disappointed in myself. It's easier to be somewhat detached. Lost hope is a terrible thing. It makes you feel like you've been hollowed out inside, leaving some sort of shell of what you were. There's a sign in my office that reads "Never deprive a person of hope. It may be all she or he has" and for that reason I keep my thoughts to myself. Oh, I still pray but I pray that I am wrong.

Please let me be wrong. I have never so badly wanted to be wrong.


At 9:13 AM, Blogger Christy said...

I told Michelle over the weekend that I had started to pray exclusively for grace and strength for the family and that I was sad about that.

I will say though that since you emailed me about the Shrine visit the other day, I've had more hopeful prayers for healing through the intercession of Padre Pio.


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