Sunday, February 12, 2006

Snow Day

I just trekked to the gym through about 12 inches of snow. Do you realize my dedication, people?

Anyway, I want to go sledding. When I was little, my dad would take my brother and I to a golf course to sled. I'm not sure why the golf course allowed that when it snowed, but everybody did it. Entire families went sledding there. I'm not sure how high those hills were in reality, but as a kid, they seemed huge.

I used my mom's sled from the 1950s. It was a wooden sled with iron blades, all Radio Flyer like, kind of like this one. It was beautiful and really sturdy AND you could steer it to the right and left. Of course, the iron blades spelled trouble for anyone you crashed into. But we were careful. My brother had some crappy plastic sled, but I was in love with my old-fashioned one.

I think I did some half-hearted sledding in college on cafeteria trays, but really I haven't been sledding since I was a kid. On a day like today, I wish I had my old sled and a golf course.

I think that sled is still in my parents' garage. I wonder if they would let me have it.


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