Thursday, February 02, 2006

Where'd That Go?

People, I've lost nearly 5 pounds. At least, that's what my scale said this morning. It may be totally different by now, as my weight loves to vary considerably. I know I posted recently about maybe wanting to lose a couple of pounds. Well, 6 specifically. But I haven't actually been trying to lose weight. I'm not dieting. I've even cut down the amount of cardio I'm doing daily. Where'd those 5 pounds go? I'm not all that concerned because I have a feeling that by tomorrow, they'll be back.

For those concerned, I don't look skinny, like rail-thin, bobble-head skinny. But I've never, well not since prepubescence, been skinny. I've got broad shoulders and a wide ribcage. Isn't that weird? Who has a wide ribcage? Around my upper torso measures exactly the same as my hips. Good that I'm proportioned and all, but I'm not exactly narrow. And let's not forget about my boobs. When you add all this up, not skinny. Thin, fit, but curvy. I'd have to something drastic to get to skinny bobble-head status. And let me to clear, that's not what I'm after.

In fact, as it relates to fitness, I'm all about balance. That's why I'm combining cardio with strength training with eating (relatively) healthy. Hell, I've even thrown yoga in there. I've started taking a daily multi-vitamin.

There's another reason why I'm trying to be at the best level of fitness for me. One day, maybe, I'll have a baby. Being mentally ready for a baby is one thing--obviously you have to be there. But I've seen what being pregnant can do to a woman's body. I'm not 22 years old anymore. My body's not just going to bounce back from that. So I'm trying to be physically ready for pregnancy. I've seen some women gain 50-60 pounds when pregnant. That's just not right. The baby and all that goes along with it only weighs maybe 15 on the high end--then you're stuck with the rest of that weight after the baby is born. You're not literally supposed to eat for two while pregnant. I'm not going to be one of those if I can help it. Which is why I think maintaining a balanced healthy lifestyle now is so important. My philosophy is that baby can't be happy if mommy is totally unhappy with herself. And if I was carrying around an extra 40 pounds you can be sure I'd be pretty fucking unhappy.

Anyway, I didn't go to the gym this morning because it was pouring, most likely am not going tonight and am definitely not going tomorrow. So it looks like two whole days off for me!


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