Wednesday, August 15, 2007


My godmother passed away yesterday. She had some awful, rare disease, that is sort of like Parkinson's, only worse. They had given her about 8 years to live. She lasted a year and a half. The truth is, it's better this way. She had a terrible quality of life the last 4-5 months and it was never going to get any better. But it still sucks royally. She was 59 years old and one of the sweetest, most beautifully flawed people I've ever known.

She's my mom's cousin and best friend. The services are this week in Long Island, and with Rolo, I'm not sure how I'd ever manage to make them. I feel awful about that. Truly awful. Ron's mom can watch Rolo, but I'm not even sure I'm up for the drive.

I feel awful.


At 5:05 AM, Blogger Christy said...

D, I'm so so sorry to hear about your godmother. It's always difficult to lose someone we love.

Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.


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