Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Last weekend I ran into my fair share of freaks. Friday night I made the mistake of trying to pop into a bookstore to purchase a book for my trip. I thought it would take all of 10 minutes. WHAT A MISTAKE. I forgot about the whole Harry Potter thing and was temporarily confused by the mob scene at that store. Complete with weird glasses and painted faces. Now, now, now, I support all you Harry Potter fans, but let's face it: it's a bit cult-like. And weird.

Speaking of weird, I arrived in Milwaukee on Saturday and went to a conference opening reception that night. I love my profession, but WOW are we a strange bunch. Completely dorky. If you take a bunch of us and throw in a fancy setting with some alcohol, watch out. It's like Geeks of The World Unite.

I came returned to my hotel room that night deperately hoping that my rest of my weekend would be freak-free.


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