Monday, September 11, 2006

Crystal Blue Skies

Well, you didn't think that I wouldn't comment on today, did you? I can't really believe it's been 5 years. It doesn't seem like that long. It doesn't seem like just yesterday either.

If you know me, either in real life or just through this blog, you know my feelings about that day. I was angrier and sadder than I had ever been. And shocked. Let's not forget shocked. Because before September 11, 2006, I had no idea really who Bin Laden was or that Al Qaeda existed. I knew that there were terrorists and organizations that didn't like the United States, and I knew some dude tried to blow up the World Trade center before, but I didn't know names or specifics. Probably, like so many Americans.

I know there was the option not to turn on the TV this morning. But of course, I tuned into CNN because I wanted to see the footage again. In fact, CNN's Pipeline is streaming to my computer right now with that day's real time footage. As I'm typing this, they're broadcasting that the Stock Market opening would be delayed indefinitely and that all airports are closed. I don't like to harp on this date, this day but I do want to see the footage because even after 5 years it's still incredible to watch. I remember realizing that I couldn't even comprehend what was happening.

Anyway, there's nothing to be said that I haven't said before. The good that came from this day was that for a short while, the country was united. People looked out for one another. Out of tragedy came hope and purpose. A couple of things that I always notice when watching the playbacks from that day:
--It's hard to shock people anymore and New Yorkers are particularly hard to impress. But when you see the people on the streets of the city looking up at the World Trade Center as the planes are hitting, it's overwhelming to see how strickened they all look. Even reporters are flabbergasted and seem to put their personas on the shelf for awhile.
--United Flight 93. I didn't see the movie and there's some debate on what actually occurred, but if you think about it in its purest sense, how amazing is it that passengers overtook terrorists?
--The sky was clear blue that day. I noticed that in my apartment that morning before I knew anything was happening. It seems everyone remembers how blue the sky was. Do you think they planned it that way? If it was overcast, the tops of the towers would be foggy and somewhat obstructed from view.

As I continue to type, by the way, that Pipeline feed is reporting there's a "fire" at the Pentagon and that the White House is being evacuated. If I recall correctly, I think this is about the time that everyone started to panic a little bit.

Wherever you are reading this, I hope you don't think today about the war in Iraq or Afganistan, or how seemingly retarded the Republican government is, or how wrong everything's gone since then. Remember instead, that although we were a nation that was imperfect, we did nothing to deserve September 11th.

Just remember.


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