Friday, September 01, 2006

End of Summer

Well, this weekend is the unofficial end of summer, which makes me a little sad, even though I love the fall. The streetlights were still on when I went to the gym this morning, but it was still dark. It wasn't dark when I left for the gym a few weeks ago. I hate the days getting shorter. Does anyone really enjoy more darkness? I love when it's sunlight when I walk up and still light out at 8:30p.m. I feel like I have so much more time in my day. I can eat dinner at 8p.m. and who cares? It's still daylight. Eating dinner at 8p.m. in December makes me feel like I'm eating in the middle of the night.

As an aside, I didn't achieve my goal of developing rock hard abs by the end of the summer. Still smushy. I think all the alcohol I've been consuming has something to do with that.

I'm not sure what we'll do this weekend. There's a tropical storm on the way that will pretty much ruin most of the weekend. I'm still debating going to the trailer, just for a change of scenery. That being said, the trailer sits on a river which flows into the Chesapeake which is supposed to get slammed with this storm. I'm not sure being in a trailer is too smart. Not that I think it'll blow away, but it might lose power and that would suck. It's chilly and rainy and just a question of whether we do nothing here in Philly or nothing in Maryland.

Goodbye summer.


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