Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Okay, Really I'm Jumping Back On the Bandwagon

So, while I don't really make New Year's resolutions, I am in a constant state of wanting to do better as it relates to my overall fitness. I'm never "bad" per se. Like I exercised almost every day over the holidays. I'd be lying however, if I said that these workouts were of a significant quality. I'd do about 30-40 minutes of cardio and occasionally lift weights. But there were some days I skipped, either because I was out of town or because the gym was closed. Also most classes were canceled during the last two weeks, so no pilates or stretching for me either.

I didn't get up at 6am and do my morning workout. In my defense, I didn't sleep well last night and for the sake of my staff whom would have to deal with me today, I decided to sleep in. I didn't sleep well because the windows in my bedroom decided to open and then slam closed at will--the wind in between my buildings and the ones on either side was wicked. The end result was a cold wind blowing on my face and waking me up, or waking up thinking I'd been shot, because the window slammed shut so loudly. Could I have rigged something to prevent this from happening? Of course, but do you not know that I am lazy? I am.

Tonight I'm back at my pilates class. And it's going to hurt, as it always does when I miss a week or so. Additionally Ron and I agreed that we're going to eat healthier... until at least the wedding. The last two weeks, we ate nothing but delicious, fried, fatty foods. While neither Ron nor I are particularly disciplined at eating healthy, it's important for Ron that we do. His schedule does not allow for him to have a set workout routine, so eating well is important if he's going to drop this 10 pounds he's set on losing.

Unfortunately for me, Ron's idea of eating healthy is having grilled chicken every night. I have nothing against grilled chicken (other than wishing it was breaded and fried) but I can't have it every night. My taste buds would actually wither and die from boredom if that was all I ate.

So I've raked through old issues of Cooking Light and come up with some relatively healthy alternatives. Most of which Ron won't eat because they involved things called vegetables. Ron's been on a vegetable strike since he was about 6 years old. Drives. Me. Nuts. So most likely, I'll be making grilled chicken for him and other fun, exciting things for me. Tonight is chipotle chicken tortilla soup. Ron and I made our semi-annual trip to the grocery store and we are STOCKED. I love it.

Here's to a healthy year!


At 1:43 PM, Blogger Star said...

Good luck there Chef D!
I cannot remember the last time I have cooked meals regularly--I have been a super slacker and feel so bored by food. I know it will take my food shopping and stocking up to get motivated. Perhaps I will do some sorting through mags for some good recipies as inspired by you!


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