Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Not So Sweet

So this season of MTV's "My Super Sweet 16" is completely out of control. I caught the tail end of one episode with Cindy. Because I missed the beginning, I didn't know where she was from, but as soon as I heard her talk I KNEW this was taking place in Staten Island.

I used to talk like that, people! Well, not exactly like that because my parents had this thing about using proper grammar. Oh, and if I ever cursed in their presence I certainly wouldn't still be alive today. But the accent--I had that accent.

Back to My Super Sweet 16--what the parents of these kids don't seem to realize is that they are creating sociopaths. Cindy told her mother to "shut the *bleep* up, bitch" when her mom wouldn't let her get two tiaras for her party (her party by the way was a Cinderella theme, right down to the freakin' bridal dress she was wearing). A mini- fight ensued and ended when Cindy told her mom that it was her party and "I'll cry if I have to." Which apparently indicates that all Cindy has to do is cry to get whatever she wants. Later, at her party, some girl she doesn't like shows up, she has the girl taken outside, presumably to be beat up by her friends. Girls beat each other up all the time in SI. It's fun.

This show infuriates me. Honestly. I watch this show partly enraged and partly fascinated. This goes way beyond spoiling your kids. It's about a lack of morals. It's parents teaching their children that the rules simply don't apply to them. It's parents who aren't teaching their children to be good people.

Anyway, I've since seen the beginning of the episode and Cindy is indeed from Staten Island which reminds me how freakin' thankful I am that my parents moved us out of Staten Island when they did. Thank you, Mom and Dad. At the time, I was heartbroken at leaving. But honestly, I don't know what would have happened to me if I had stayed.


At 10:02 AM, Blogger Star said...

The show is mortifying! The kids are insane but it is an obvious result of the screwed up parents they have. If you ask me, people have and get too much these days, kids do not know limits or have any idea what it is to earn something. Part of me hates MTV because showing this is just perpetuating the greed and insanity!


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