Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Job Crisis

Okay, it's not a crisis. Maybe that's the problem. For the last 3 years at work, I've been in crisis mode. Since I took over this department, and before that actually, it's been one emergency after another, usually created by The Most Evil Company In The World. The Most Evil Company is not who I work for directly. It's the company that my company partnered with and, I think, did so with the intent of driving me to an early grave.

But now things have settled down and I'm bored to tears. There's nothing to do. Except that's not really true--there's actually lots to do. I've realized that I need to re-learn my job and how to approach it differently. I need to be proactive and plan things, something I've never had the opportunity to do before. Maybe that's exciting. Certainly there have been times in the past few years where I didn't like having to be reactive to situations. The lack of planning drove me nuts, and more than once I resorted to using all sorts of foul language on the job. Language, as it turns out, that may be the only kind that The Most Evil Company In The World understands.

As a result of the aftermath of Katrina, I started asking My Institution a lot of questions about what would happen if Katrina, or something equally as devastating, happened here. I would have about 600 people I would need to evacuate. No one has any answers, no one has a plan. No one in my field has many plans for their institutions either.

I want to create a plan. I'm excited by creating a plan. In fact I'm thinking more about reacting to an emergency than I am about creating departmental protocol. So I've realized something. I want to work in emergency management. I like being in crisis. Or rather, I like trying to fix a crisis.

I think I need to go work for FEMA. And then start a consulting firm that creates emergency plans for institutions in my field. It's like God has called me to do this. I feel a calling. I've never felt like I had a calling before. Me! I have a calling!

I'm going to ignore it for now though, because I'm too lazy to look for another job.


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