Thursday, December 09, 2004

I Got It!

So last night Ron was out with his friends and I wasn't feeling so hot, so I decided to put on all the Christmas lights, light a candle, turn on the TV for some background noise and try my hand at some more knitting. I had tried to do ribbing, unsuccessfully, last week. Last night I was determined to get it right. And I did. Better yet, I finally GOT it. I could look at my stitches and tell when I needed to knit and when I needed to purl. I still get confused about what looks like a scardf and what looks like a noose, but that's not important. I could tell. I could look at the next stitch and just tell. I was so excited.

After doing about 16 rows of ribbing, I decided to switch to stockinette stitches. After doing a bunch of rows like that, I realized my knitting (which had no particular purpose other than practicing) kind of looked like a sleeve. The ribbing looked like a cuff and stockinette stitches looks like the rest of a sleeve. They even curled in like they wanted to be a sleeve. Of course, I had only knitted 24 stitches a row, so it isn't wide enough to become anything, but just that it looked like it could be something made me happy.

Then I decided to try some seed stitches, which I never attempted before. Being able to "read" my knitting came in handy here. I did a few rows of that and think I got the hang of it. Now I have this thing, this thing that looks like the width of a scarf with three different kinds of stitching on it. It's not pretty to look at, but like I said, it was just to practice and learn.

The problem is, now I'm itching to make something. I feel like I could definitely handle a scarf. A sweater? While I'd like to try I'm sure I'm not at that level yet (although my friend Michelle's first project was a sweater); I'd make mistakes, get annoyed and not finish it. I scarf is more practical. And I am nothing if not practical.

I swore I wouldn't start a project before the holidays because I'm already spending enough money on gifts. But...I've got the itch to make a scarf for Ron. Hmmm. I think I'm just so damn proud of myself for finally being able to tell my stitches apart.


At 10:46 AM, Blogger Star said...

You rock! Congrats on getting it. You should totally make a scarf. If you still have the Stitch and Bitch book there are some patterns in there, or you could find one online or in the knitting store! Do it! Plus, Ron would love it.

You know, Christy still has that first little scarf/cat blanket thing that she knitted. You should bind off and save your masterpiece!

Michael is convinced that Christy has started a knitting cult and is slowly sucking us all in!


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