Monday, June 20, 2005

Why CNN Sucks Now

For those that don't know, Bill Hemmer of CNN fame, is my would-be husband. As in he "would be" my husband had he and I ever met. I love him. I love CNN's "American Morning" because of him.

Bill Hemmer is gone. Moved on to greener pastures. Has been replaced by this guy. I have no problem with Miles O'Brien, but face it, he's not as easy on the eyes as Bill. Also, CNN moved Jack Cafferty, who I love for his sacrasm not his looks, off "American Morning" to his own show. Good for Jack. Bad for me.

Aside from "90 Second Pop" there's almost no reason to watch "American Morning."

And if anyone knows where Bill Hemmer went, please let me know. So I can watch that station.


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