Wednesday, March 09, 2005


R and I are in the kitchen and the following occurs:
R (opening a box of my beloved Post Maple Pecan Crunch Cereal): So this cereal isn't so fresh, huh?
Me: Why? What's wrong with it?
R (looking at the top of the box): Well....
Me: I just got it at Acme the other day. What's wrong with it?
R: Nothing.
Me: Is it expired? I JUST BOUGHT THAT. Is it expired?
Ron: (starting to rip the top of the box): No, no, definitely not.
Me (reaching for box): Let me see.
R (fending me off and ripping the expiration date off the top of the box): No, no, it's fine!
Me: Why are you ripping the top of the box off? It's expired right? Let me see!
R (shoves box top in his mouth): No!
Me: You're eating the expiration date?
R: Yes.
Me: You're actually chewing that? Don't chew that!
R: Trust me, it's easier this way.


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