Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ready for Spring

Honestly, if you asked me which was my least favorite season, I'd say spring. Most people love spring. While I do love those first glorious days of warm weather after the winter, I tend to associate spring with lots of rain, unpredictable weather patterns and the nuicance of having a day start off requiring an overcoat and gloves only to end with the need for a t-shirt. Thus, I usually spend much of the spring either over- or under-dressed.

That said, though, I love when stores start featuring spring clothes and this is because my mind starts fast forwarding to summer. All of a sudden, the clothes are so much more colorful. This year, Banana Republic has been featuring a shade of green that I'm so in love with, I would consider leaving my husband for it. Behold this, this and this. The online photos don't even do the color justice.

I love it so much that I'm actually considering getting that first top I mentioned, even though it's silk and I usually avoid silk like the plague. Also, I wish I had somewhere to wear the dress, even though that cut doesn't usually flatter me.

But there are other great colors too, ones that would look amazing with white pants, and yet. Yet, I can't really pull off a white pant. Or, I should say, I have yet to find a white pant that doesn't make me self-conscious that the world can, in fact, see my panties. But tops like this and this inspire me to search yet again for the substantially lined white pant.

What fashion are you craving these days?



At 7:25 AM, Blogger Christy said...

I am in love with the last top that you linked to. I WANT IT!

That green color would be fabulous on you.


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