Wednesday, October 19, 2005

It's Just Easier to Sleep In

So I promptly followed up on my previous post by skipping my morning workout. Which would be twice this week so far that I've skipped it. So much for my dedication. Missing this morning wouldn't be so bad if I could work out tonight. However, I'm teaching self-defense tonight and that doesn't count as a workout. It might for my students, but I just stand around getting hit repeatedly. If I run home right after my class I might be able to squeeze in a half hour before my gym closes. Again, that would require some dedication.

Somewhere in the last couple of weeks, I managed to put on 4 pounds or so. I have no explanation for this, but it has resulted in my body weight shifting around a bit. Which is annoying.

After missing a month of my pilates class because of pre-cana, my first class back last week kicked my ass. My stomach muscles were sore for the following 5 days. I went again last night: nothing. My muscles are fine. I'm kinda wishing they were sore--you feel like you've done something then. It's like tangible proof that it's working.

Tomorrow morning I am SO going to the gym. I won't care that it's dark out. I won't care that it's cold. I won't care that it's nice and snuggly in my bed. I will go.

Here's to 5:45 a.m.


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