Tuesday, November 23, 2004


I'm terribly unromantic. I've stated on previous incarnations of my blog that I didn't believe in "the one", that I would not wind up with someone who took my breath away every moment. I believe that the butterflies in your stomach at the beginning of a relationship fade, and any sort of magic you feel eventually fades too. Maybe another sort of magic replaces it. My mother gave me good advice in this area. What you're looking for, she would say, is not someone who is perfect, who meets every point of your criteria; you're looking for someone who is solid, a good father, a good husband, someone who will be good to you.

I read this Dooce post and particularly the line, In him I found the person whom I knew I would never get tired of, even in the most monotonous of times, even in the routine of being together every single day.



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