A conversation between myself and Ron's 3-year-old niece:Me (reading one of many, many Disney Princess stories): Okay and what do you think happens next?
S: The birds give her a bath!
Me (bending over to put a sock back on her 5 month old cousin for the 40th time): That's right! And I think they're going to help Cinderella with all the housework too.
S: What's that?
Me: What's what, honey?
S (pointing to something on my back): What's that?
Me (confused): What are you talking about, silly?
S (pulling up my shirt): THAT!
Me (thinking, Crap, it's my tatoo. Do I tell her it's a tatoo? How do I explain that? That it's like a picture? Am I corrupting her?) Oh that? That's um...
S: I know what it is!
Me: You know what it is? Really?
S: It's a tatoo.
Me (shocked): You're three. How do you know what a tatoo is?
S: I have a tatoo.
Me: You have a tatoo? Okay, where is your tatoo?
S: I washed it off. I got it at Mickey's house.
Me: Oh, you had a washable tatoo from Disney World? What was it?
S: Minnie. But I washed it off so it's not there any more (lifting her shirt to show me where on her tummy it was).
Me: Well I guess I have to try to wash mine off.
S: Yeah, you need a bath.
Me: Thanks, kid.
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